
Working Together For Success
God has placed in the heart of his people the desire to join forces as one and make a difference in the lives of others. When we work together as one unit instead of many, we are able to impact more and benefit more.
How can you help? First and foremost, as covenant partners, we expect you to pray diligently for the ministry and participate in the miracles. As you contribute your time, talent, resources, and prayers for the ministry you help us reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. As your schedule permits, you may volunteer to get involved in some aspect of the ministry by joining prayer teams or volunteering to assist with conferences or crusades hosted in your area.
As a covenant partner, you will join a unique group of people of like faith and desire to help others. Soul winning will be at the heart of your personal desire, for like us, you wish that "none should perish but all should have eternal life."
As a covenant partner you will receive: |